ᐅ Guitar
Term | Definition |
Tunings | TuningsBelow are some common tunings for your cigar box guitar. You will need a tuner. The most common tuning for Cigar Box Guitar is open G: if you check out YouTube, you’ll find numerous examples of cbg’s played in the key of G. Usually these are 3 string, tuned GDG , but sometimes 4 String, tuned GDGB or DGBD. Open G is a really good place to start. Most of Junkbox Guitars are tuned to Open |
Tin-Can Guitar | Tin-Can GuitarThe Tin-Can Guitar has its origin in the Thownships of South Africa. Kids who couldn't afford a real guitar built their own oil can guitar out of an old oil can. Click here to go to the Oil-Can building instruction |
The Orginal Flatpup |