If one has decided on a scale length, the shoulder distances must be calculated. The waistband distances must be kept exactly otherwise you can vote a guitar not bundrein and is therefore hardly playable.
Here is a scale calculator for download
First, you should think about the scale. The length between the nut and the bridge is called the scale length. This is the entire length of the free-swinging strings. The 12 fret is always in the middle of the scale. The collar distance depends on the scale length. Standartsmensuren are 635mm or 650mm.
Here is a list of the most common scale lengths and their manufacturers
Inches | Millimeter | Gitarre / Hersteller |
20.7 | 527 | Squier / Rickenbacker |
22.5 | 572 | Fender |
22.72 | 577 | Fender |
23.5 | 596,90 | Fender Jazzmaster/Jaguar |
23.5 | 596,90 | Gibson Byrdland |
24 | 609,60 | Fender Duo-Sonic/Mustang |
24-9/16 | 623,88 | Gibson-style guitar |
25 | 635,00 | PRS, National-style guitar |
25.6 | 610 | |
25-5/8 | 643,64 | Martin standard steel string guitar |
27.67 | 645,16 | Martin Dreadnought or OM steel string guitar |
25-5/8 | 647,7 | Fender-style-guitar, Gibson acoustic guitar |
25.59 | 650,00 | Typical classical guitar |
25-5/8 | 650,88 | Guild acoustic guitar |
26.38 | 670 | Banjos / Gypsy Jazz Gitarren |
26.5 | 673 | |
27 | 686 | Fender / Ibanez |
27.67 | 702,82 | Baritone guitar |
29.5 | 749 | |
30 | 762,00 | Short scale bass guitar |
32.5 | 825,50 | Medium scale (Rickenbacker-style) bass guitar |
34 | 863,60 | Long scale (Fender-style) bass guitar |
Wer ein Griffbrett mit Bundstäben will wird nicht um eine Bundsäge herumkommen. Ich habe mir eine Mensursäge aus der Tischkreissäge gebaut.
Eine Mensurschablone musste her. Auf dem Laser gefertigt. Fürs erste eine 635 + 650
und das Gegenstück auf der Tischkreissäge
Noch das richtige Fräsblatt einbauen => fertig
für das Fräsen wird das Griffbrett mit Doppelklebeband unten auf die Schablone geklebt. Und los gehts...